About Islam
Islam is the fastest-growing religion today. Having said that, it is widely misunderstood in the western world. Islam which is an Arabic word means peace. It was revealed at a time when the huge Arabian Peninsula was doomed in the pit of darkness and ignorance. There was no regard for the sanctity of other’s rights and one’s duties. The rich and powerful could do whatever they wished with the poor and helpless people. If a daughter was born in a house she was buried alive as the daughter was considered to be burdensome and a sign of disgrace. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came as the savior of the weak and poor man of Arab. Through his humble, polite, just and kind mannerism he won the hearts of the people of Arab. He spread the message of Allah and his teachings as prescribed in the Holy Quran. To date, the conquest of Mecca stands out as the best example of the most peaceful and productive conquest where no human life, animal or tree was harmed.

The advent of Muslims in the US
Some historians believe that there were some Muslims present in Columbus’s ship as well. However, the first significant immigration of Muslims is recorded in the annals of history in the form of African slaves arriving in the 17th century. Even from Spain and Portugal, many Muslims migrated to the US in this period. The next surge of migrants came in the late 19th century mostly from Syria and Lebanon. In 1893, a converted Muslim Muhammad Alexander Webb created the first mosque and mission for Muslims in New York City, putting a significant mark on the presence of Muslims in the US.
Demographics of US Muslims
As it is evident, Muslims arrived in the US more than 400 years back. Despite this fact, they are considered to be recent immigrants in this part of the world. US Muslims have a very diverse ethnic background. African Americans and South Asians each form one-third of the American Muslim community. On the other hand, Arab Muslims constitute as one-quarter of American Muslim population. The rest of the population is composed of Muslims from the rest of the world including Latin Americans which are growing at a very fast pace.
US Muslims have a very important standing in the American economy. They are part of the middle class which is the backbone of any community. According to the study, Muslims who migrate to America do so basically for better economic opportunities and democratic freedom.
Role of Muslims in American society
US Muslims are quite active and vocal members of American society. You can find Muslims in every walk of life and in every occupation. They have organizations and foundations that work to support, protect and grow the Muslim community. They are also very active in the politics of the US. Not just that, they also exhibit great amount of reverence for the US by joining and serving the US armed forces.
The stance of US Muslims against extremism
US Muslims have time and again condemned terrorist attacks that take place around the world. Especially they assert the fact that there is no place of terrorism in Islam. Islam in no way encourages the killings of innocent lives. In this regard, US Muslim mosques and community centers vehemently emphasize the religious and societal obligation to work with the state to fight terrorism in whatever capacity one can.
US Muslims and religious freedom
Amidst the growing anti-Muslim sentiment after the terrorist activities, US Muslims have faced great restraint in societal acceptance and religious freedom. Hence, Islamic institutions and US Muslim leaders work for the protection of basic right of religious freedom and freedom of expression of the US Muslims and Muslims all over the world.