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Different Ranks of Jannah

It is one of the fundamental beliefs of Islam that this world is a temporary abode. It is bound to perish. Allah created this world as a testing place where people would be tried with happiness and sorrows. Based on their conduct and strength of faith, their account of deeds will be recorded. On the Day of Judgment every person shall have to present his account of deeds. Based on his record, he will be punished or rewarded. Those who did not bring faith on Allah will suffer the torment of Hell. While those who believed in Allah, his messengers and led their lives with patience according to the teachings of Holy Quran and sunnah shall enjoy blissful life in the Heavens.

There are different levels of Jannah. Although the exact number of levels of Jannah is not known to us, however, according to ahadith and Holy Quran

Important Levels of Jannah

  • Jannat ul Firdaus: -

This is the most prestigious level of Jannah. Firdaus means a garden which has all kinds of plants in it. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has asked Muslims to pray for place in Jannat ul Firdaus as it is the highest level of Jannah. From the Holy Quran and ahadith, it is known that it has grape vines.

  • Jannat al Adan: -

This is the first level of Jannah. Adan means residence or eternal place. Allah mentions Jannat al Adan in the Holy Quran: -

“Allah assured the believers, women and men The Gardens underneath which rivers flow, where they will abide blessed lodging in Gardens of Adan. And greater! Acceptance from Allah. That is the ultimate conquest”

  • Jannat an Naeem: -

Naeem means living a blissful, happy and prosperous life. Jannat an Naeem is one of the levels of Jannah. Allah mentions about this level in Surah Yunus in the Holy Quran: -

“Lo! Those who believe and do good works, their Lord directed them by their faith. Rivers will flow underneath them in the Gardens of Delight”

  • Jannat al Mawa: -

Mawa refers to a place of refuge or a home. This level of Jannah shall be the reward of the martyrs and the righteous men, called Momineen.

  • Daar ul Khuld: -

This is the fifth level of Jannah. Meaning of Khuld is eternal and everlasting. In the Holy Quran it is referred to as Garden of Immorality.

  • Daar us Salaam: -

This is the sixth level of Jannah. It means a safe place to live in eternally. In Surah Fatir Allah mentions Daar us Salaam.

  • Illiyun: -

This is the eighth and highest level of Jannah. This is the level for perfect Momineen of Islam. it is named after the lounge of Hafaza angels.

Ways to Achieve the Different Levels of Jannah: -

Gardens of Jannah are beyond human comprehension. These beautiful valleys contain rivers of milk, honey and vines. There are fruits of heavenly taste. The blessings of Jannah are magnanimous. Here are some of the simple ways to earn Jannah.

Allah has promised Jannah to the righteous people in the Holy Quran. Those who believe in the Oneness of Allah, his messengers, the angels, the holy books and Muhammad (PBUH) as the seal of Prophets shall go to Jannah. Jannah is promised to those who fight for the cause of Allah. In Islam Jihad is not just by sword, but Jihad can also be fought by pen. Those who get martyred fighting for the cause of Allah go to the Heaven. Apart from this, spending your wealth for the cause of Allah amongst the poor and needy also earns Jannah. Moreover, performing ablution even in the most difficult conditions for example in freezing winters performing ablution with cold water is also a highly regarded deed earning jannah. Walking towards mosque to offer prayer also brings a person closer to Jannah. Memorizing the Holy Quran is one of the beloved deeds in the eyes of Allah. Those who memorize the Holy Quran are promised the glad tiding of Jannah.

Perform good deeds and try to earn the pleasure of Allah. This way you can secure a place for yourself in Jannah.

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